Kazuki Tamashiro, uta-sanshin

Headshot of Kazuki

Kazuki Tamashiro (uta-sanshin) is a master of Ryukyu Koten Ongaku Afuso-ryu School Gensei-kai Association and trained under Kishun Nishie. He received a master's degree in theater arts from Graduate School of Music Arts, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts. He completed National Theatre Okinawa's inaugural Kumiodori Training Program. Recent credits include: "Kumiodori: Nido Tekiuchi" at National Bunraku Theatre in 2018; "Ryukyu Buyo and Kumiodori: Koukou no Maki" at Kyoto Art Theater Shunjuza in 2019; and "Nido Tekiuchi and other pieces as part of the celebratory program, "30th Anniversary of Emperor Akihito’s Reign & 300 Years of Kumiodori & 15th Anniversary of Opening of the National Theatre," held at the National Theatre in Tokyo (2019); and "Kumiodori: Makarushi" at the National Noh Theatre (2019).  He participated in the "300th Anniversary of Kumiodori" national tour (2019) and the special performance of "Ryukyu Buyo and Kumiodori" at Shuri Castle in 2020. He is a member of the Ryukyu Traditional Kumiodori Preservation Association and the Ryukyu Buyo Preservation Association.