Yoshimori Nakamine, uta-sanshin

Yoshimori Nakamine headshot

Yoshimori Nakamine (uta-sanshin) is a master of Ryukyu Koten Ongaku Afuso-ryu School of the Gensei-kai Association and trained under Shingo Nakamine. He received a master's degree in theater arts from the Graduate School of Music Arts, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts. He was a member of the fourth graduating class of the National Theatre Okinawa's Kumiodori Training Program. His recent credits include: a production of "Sistine Kabuki: Tametomo” presented by the Otsuka Museum of Art in 2019, and several kumiodori productions, such as Kenbo Sansen no Maki in 2020, Temizu-no En in 2021, and the family educational presentation of Manzai Tekiuchi also in 2021, all at the National Theatre Okinawa. He is a member of the Ryukyu Traditional Kumiodori Preservation Association and the Okinawa Traditional Kumiodori Shiino-kai Association.