Yukihiro Gushi (taiko) is a master of Ryukyu Koten Ongaku Afuso-ryu School of the Gensei-kai Association and Tamagusuku-ryu School of the Izumi-kai Association. Gushi received a master's degree in theater arts from the Graduate School of Music Arts, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts. His recent credits include: the inaugural program of the National Theatre Okinawa in 2004; "Yukihiro Gushi-no-kai" in 2006; and "Okinawan Performing Arts, Now and Future IV" at the National Theatre in Tokyo in 2009. Gushi served as a music director for new kabugeki (play with song and dance) piece, Shurijo Monogatari, written by Tatsuhiro Oshiro, produced by the National Theatre Okinawa in 2011, which was restaged in February 2022. He composed Iejima Island Folksong Sonatine through commissioning from Ryukyu Gakki-no-kai in 2019. In 2021, he conceived and directed the collection of classical new works Yume e no Sasoi (Invitation to a Dream), and presented the Ryukyuan dance production Mayim.